Medical Records

I have had an operation in Murcia, and I have now moved and am under Hospital de Torrevieja and as I now need another operation they need my records.
I had to do a Petition by Fax to the hospital concerned, the Doctors speak English in Murcia but nobody else. They do not have email addresses and when I ring up they say (in Spanish) that they will get the Doctor to ring me. He does not ring and they have not issued my Medical Records.
What can I do.

La Marina

Do you not have a GP here ?
Other than that, a lot of people use Eugene to speak on there behalf when they have a problem and un able to communicate in Spanish.
You will find Eugene at the shop called. The Hole In The Wall next door to the Computer shop.

Commented FOX160 in La Marina 2013-07-20 03:56:55 UTC

Hi, Thanks for replying, Is the shop 'The Hole' in La Marina. I do have a doctor but he doesn't speak English and the staff who do speak English in the Medical Centre are so busy I feel I would be wasting their time. I do speak basic Spanish but not good enough to explain my problem over the telephone to the hospital. I did my Petiton in Spanis, gave my mobile number and my email address but they have just ignored it.

Commented caprala in La Marina 2013-07-20 11:00:17 UTC

The corner shop is actually called "La Tiendacita" and you will find the propriators very helpfull in a lot of respects, as well as selling good food and drinks at reasonable prices.

Commented Tim in La Marina 2013-07-20 12:21:16 UTC

Thank you s much

Commented caprala in La Marina 2013-07-20 16:19:56 UTC