Successful Slimming.

Just to let you all know that I run Successful Slimming here on the Costa Blanca.From Tuesday 6th September I have a new meeting opening at Bar Las Naciones,next the The Spice Hut in Quesada at 10am.We meet in La Marina at The Hillside Bar each Thursday at 11am.Only 5 euros a week with no joining fee or charge for missed weeks.It is a very healthy eating food plan with very good results.All are welcome.For more information please ring Sian on 965496209.Please give us a try,you've nothing to lose but weight.

Hi Chatterbox
Can you also put this information up and in the Events section please, as postings like this often go a long way down the page.

Commented Ian in La Marina 2011-08-17 14:21:15 UTC